Creation of Web Manuals

Manuals can not only included in the product package as a paper leaflet, but also posted online with videos and other versatile functions. Furthermore, they can be distributed in CDs or USB memories, or even viewed off-line on a PC.

What are suited for web manuals?

Service manuals, maintenance manuals, training manuals, tutorial manuals, instruction manuals (digital camera, PC, tablet, smartphone, software, digital home appliances), etc.

Responsive web design

The technical writers and web creators at TECS work closely to create easy-to-view and easy-to-understand manuals. Also, one source fits all screen sizes on PCs, tablets, or smartphones.

This is called a responsive design, which means to build a web site in such a way that it is displayed in an optimal form according to the type and size of the displaying device.

* Click the image to view the actual pages.

Tablet (vertical)

Tablet vertical

Tablet (horizontal)

Tablet horizontal


Display on smartphone 2
Display on a smartphone 3
View the sample

Localization services

TECS translates HTML files directly, which prevents human errors while replacing the languages and helps shorten the delivery schedule and reduce the cost.

Multi-language DTP service