Corporate Policy
To improve the trust and partnership with clients, TECS carefully follows polices created for information security management, quality management, and environmental conservation activities.
Information Security Standard Policy
[Basic Philosophy]
TECS defines the appropriate control, storage, and purpose of use for information supplied by clients for business purposes in the "Information security standard policy" in order to strengthen the trust between TECS and clients.
[Fundamental Policy]
- TECS shall provide employee training to enhance employee awareness of information security and make all employees aware of the basic philosophy towards the information security policy and to ensure that they comply with said policy.
- TECS shall become dedicated to always conducting business with the customer in mind, and if problems should occur, we shall swiftly uncover the cause and take actions to lessen the damage as much as possible.
- All procurement, usage, storage, disposal/return, and disclosure to third parties of information shall be conducted with the agreement or consent of the customer.
- TECS works on all fronts by using personnel, organization, and technology to prevent disclosure, loss, or other damage from affecting the information provided by the customer.
- All employees must use individual card keys to enter or exit the workplace, and entrance into the workplace for non-employees is only permitted with approval from a manager. Furthermore, entrance into the workplace on holidays, or before or after hours is only permitted with application to and approval from a manager.
“Standards for Handling Personal Information and Confidential Information: Third Edition” shall be observed for details.
Environmental Standard Policy
[Basic Philosophy]
"TECS strives to protect the global environment to create a sustainable recycling-based society." With these words in mind, all of the employees at TECS are kept fully aware of the importance of environmental issues, which affect the whole of humanity. The entire company takes pride in the voluntary and continuous improvement in our products and services.
[Environmental Policy]
- TECS Corporation works towards harmony with the environment and community through its basic philosophy. TECS also places top priority on its environmental conservation activities and publicly announces the following environmental policy:
- TECS shall take appropriate measures to reduce the environmental impact of its activities, products, or services by saving resources, saving energy, and reducing waste through technical and economic measures. We shall continue to improve the quality of our environmental conservation activities to reduce environmental impact.
- TECS shall observe environment-related laws, regulations, and industry standards, and comply with our in-house standards and work procedures in accordance with our environmental policy. We have established an environmental management system and shall continually improve it.
- In the event of an accident or emergency, TECS shall place top priority on preventing environmental pollution and will enforce controls to prevent damage to the local community. We assure that the products (printed materials containing part numbers) delivered to Sony Corporation and its affiliated companies and also the printed products to be delivered to other clients will not include environmentally-hazardous banned substances and substances which should be eliminated, as regulated by Sony Technical Standard SS-00259 and laws.
- All employees shall actively conduct environmental conservation activities under the environmental policy. We will review the environmental objectives and targets periodically and revise them as required.
- The company shall give environmental training to all employees on the basic philosophy of the TECS environmental management system, and shall ensure they comply with the environmental policy. We shall continue to provide employee training to enhance their awareness of environmental protection.
Quality management
The TECS commitment to quality identifies responsible personnel and adds multiple checks for each process to carry out thorough quality controls that prevent defects from being forwarded to the next step.
The establishment of the Quality Assurance Committee introduces the best possible quality management system.